Common Mistakes That Can Delay Your Google Play App Approval
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Common Mistakes That Can Delay Your Google Play App Approval


Google Play’s closed testing phase is a crucial step before app approval. However, many developers make common mistakes that delay the approval process. In this article, we highlight these mistakes and how to avoid them.

Mistake 1: Not Meeting the Minimum Tester Requirements

Google requires at least 12 testers to be opted-in continuously for 14 days. Mistakes include:

  • Testers opting out before the 14-day period ends.
  • Testers not interacting with the app.
  • Miscounting active testers.

Solution: Recruit extra testers to ensure you always have at least 12 engaged users.

Mistake 2: Ignoring Tester Feedback

Many developers overlook tester feedback, leading to unresolved issues and a failed approval request.

Solution: Actively collect, analyze, and fix reported bugs before applying for production access.

Mistake 3: Not Providing a Clear Testing Guide

Testers may not fully engage if they don’t know what to test or how to report issues.

Solution: Offer step-by-step testing instructions and a direct communication channel for feedback.

Mistake 4: Applying for Production Access Too Soon

Applying before meeting all requirements can result in rejection and delay your app launch.

Solution: Double-check that:

  • All 12 testers have remained opted-in for 14 days.
  • Your app is free from critical bugs.
  • You have addressed all user feedback.

Mistake 5: Poor App Performance and Crashes

Apps that frequently crash or have performance issues may not pass testing.

Solution: Conduct internal testing and use crash analytics tools to identify and fix performance issues.


Avoiding these common mistakes will significantly improve your chances of passing Google Play’s closed testing and getting your app approved smoothly. Prioritize tester engagement, feedback, and app stability for a successful launch.

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